Discover How A Frustrated Father Of Two Traded His “Dad-Bod” For A Ripped And Strong Physique In ONLY 10-WEEKS By Eating MORE Food Than Ever Before Using A Powerful Metabolic Formula…
That’s Paint By Numbers Simple & Scientifically Proven To Boost Fat Burning Hormones 24/7 WITHOUT
Fasting, Complicated Diets, Cutting Carbs, Or Painful Exercise…AND Is Proven To Give You The Energy To Be The Active & Engaged Father You Are Meant To Be!
Let's be honest, most Dads who are struggling with weight loss and low energy have done the research, tried the diets, done the "20-minute workouts", and even bought the equipment...
Yet they still aren't getting long-term results.
That's why we created a fat-loss plan that's so effective and packed full of proven strategies for buys dads...that even other "dad coaches" have taken it and implemented it in their programs...
The "FIT 4 FATHERHOOD ACADEMY " is an online coaching program specifically designed for optimizing short-term AND long-term results for Busy Dads. We take the guesswork out of it so you get results!
Yes you read that right! Men who join FTDB and commit to following the plan, put in the work, and connect with their coach...are guaranteed to burn unwanted Body Fat and increase their energy!
I know how frustrating it can be to see other men who are just like you get amazing results in their health journey just because they took action on a plan months ago. You are able to get amazing just like the men below and you will not have to count calories, eliminate your favorite foods, or spend hours in the gym.
With Fight The Dad Bod you’ll restore your metabolism with the vitality of your 20-year old self, while rejuvenating your most powerful male sex hormones and singeing off layers of stubborn body fat WITHOUT starving yourself, eliminating delicious foods from your diet, or wasting hours in the gym…
We want you to get results FAST! So I put together a Free training series specifically for YOU to get results THIS WEEK. Once you unlock your free training, you will get the exact steps you can take right now to start getting results.
In your free training, I will introduce you to a step-by-step plan specific to YOUR lifestyle, metabolism, body type, and needs. We will map out a pathway for you to follow our 3-Phase approach to YOUR personal transformation. It's time to create momentum!
Together we will implement the plan to get you the best results possible in only 10 weeks through the "FIT 4 FATHERHOOD ACADEMY". It is time to Claim Your Body Back and Transform Your Lifestyle. Draw a line in the sand, step across, and never look back!
If you want to shed pounds of stubborn body fat... and keep it off for the long haul even if you’ve never dieted or exercised a day in your life. Then read every word on this page…
Because you’re about to discover a one-of-a-kind solution to sustainable fat loss for busy dads that doesn’t ask you to jump through any hoops...
Plus, by following this high-powered and scientifically proven metabolic formula you’ll unleash your most potent fat-burning hormones and feel stronger and younger than you have in years…
Regardless of your age, body type, or lifestyle…
See, the truth is…
As a Busy Dad, you CAN get the energy-igniting weight loss results you're after...for LIFE!
Commercial diets claim to be a “one-size-fits-all” solution in a world of billions of people. Each diet comes with its own fancy name and "protocol"...And they all start the exact same way…
Just eat less calories and the weight will fall off, right? WRONG!
These shady diet companies are keeping a dirty secret from you…
Because according to brand new research published in the International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism…
Recklessly Reducing Calories Using Intermittent Fasting, Keto, Atkins, Or Any Other Rapid Weight Loss Scam Will Cause You To Lose Fat AND Muscle…[11]
As a result…Your metabolism will sputter-out.
Because the less muscle you have… the slower your metabolism runs.
Like a sports car with an old engine or a phone on low charge...
Eventually you run out of gas...your workouts suffer, you feel tired, and restless...
And you’ll struggle to keep fat from piling on your body...especially that dreaded midsection (aka "the dad bod")...
Plus you’ll feel low on energy...
And have less muscle than when you started…
Causing you to feel weak and lack muscle definition. Yet that’s not the worst of it...
You will continue the yo-yo cycle of up-and-down weight gain...
And cause other side effects like…
→ hyper fat-gain [2]
→ erectile dysfunction [3]
→ muscle wasting [4]
→ insomnia [5]
→ chronic fatigue [6]
→ inflammation [7]
→ diabetes [8]
→ mood swings [9]...
And according to a study recorded in the European Journal of Epidemiology…
Yo-Yo Diets Can Put You At A Higher Risk Of Death –
While making your body resistant to burning fat...ESPECIALLY around your Midsection! [10]
See, fat holds a “female” enzyme called aromatase. Which converts testosterone into estrogen… and traps you in a feminizing cycle of frustration.
Because the more fat you gain... the more estrogen you produce. And the more estrogen you produce... the more fat you’ll gain.
It’s a vicious, never-ending cycle.
And as your estrogen levels rise… your testosterone levels shrink. Leading to even MORE fat gain…
See, fad diets do nothing but steal from you…
They’re “one-size-fits-all” shams that do more harm than good…
Becasue, not every man’s body is wired the same way...
That's why when it comes to busy dads who want to achieve fat loss, increased energy, higher libido, and lifelong results...
Men Need Personalized Programs and Coaching!
his area
In the past, men would have scoffed at the idea of NOT eating breakfast…
But today, it seems like every diet under the sun requires us to renounce food for 16-20 hours a day...
Claiming that starvation is the master key to unlocking major fat loss… But in reality, when you open the door, you’ll only find skeletons in their closet…
As starving yourself at any point in the day poses a major problem for men…
Because while you fast, you release a vicious stress-hormone into your bloodstream that wreaks havoc on your testosterone levels and tells your brain to backlog body fat rather than burn it, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism [14].
This vicious hormone is known as cortisol – “testosterone’s kryptonite.”
And when it’s released into your bloodstream, cortisol instantly trashes your testosterone levels, wastes away vital anabolic hormones, and causes you to store body fat instead of burning it, according to a study conducted at Yale University [15].
Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism discovered when you finally get to nibble on food after starving yourself, your blood glucose levels spike and your cortisol levels follow in-suit [16]…
Turning your body into a fat-storing machine… Now that you know, You don’t have to stay on this hormonal roller-coaster any longer!
Carbohydrates have been wrongfully accused of murdering impressive physiques everywhere… But in the meantime, suspect carbs are crying out, “I’m innocent I tell ya! Innocent!”
Yet, you’ll be surprised to find that cutting carbs from your diet is THE REAL enemy of your body… And even DEADLY…
A meta-analysis published in The Lancet analyzed a group of over 400,000 participants and discovered that those who cut carbohydrates from their diet have a 20% higher risk of premature death [20]… Because when you cut carbs – fruits, vegetables, potatoes, grains – you also cut out essential vitamins and nutrients that keep you healthy…
And that’s not all… Carbohydrates also increase your body’s “happy hormone” [21]…
Which tickles your mood, rouses you up for sex, and helps you sleep like a baby every night…
And the better you sleep, the more man hormones your testosterone factory will churn out… leading to around-the-clock fat-burning and muscle gain.
But by cutting carbs, you’re essentially “screwing yourself…” Turning out the lights on your “happy hormone” and shutting down the testosterone factory… Which seems a bit nutty, doesn’t it?
After all… You want to ditch your “Dad-Bod” so you can be happier and live longer, not get moodier and die younger…
But the good news is you don’t have to fall victim to this disaster waiting to happen.
Commercial diets think of themselves as the sun in your orbit… Your entire existence revolves around them…
Worry about your diet day and night… Don’t even think about food until noon… Tally up how many “points” your dinner will “cost you”… Become the laughingstock of your neighborhood when you make quinoa burgers instead of REAL hamburgers at the barbeque…
It’s madness…
And to make matters worse, because of these tightrope diets, you develop an unhealthy body and an unhealthy mind… One that sees food as a lump of calories, a temptation, or worst of all, an enemy…
That’s no way A MAN should live his life…
And if your diet becomes your life, you may be well on your way to a straight jacket, four padded walls and a psychiatrist because…
When researchers at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine recruited a large group of men to participate in a calorie-restrictive diet for several weeks, it was recorded that participants essentially “lost their minds” trying to stay on the dieting protocol they were subjected to – chewing up to 40 pieces of gum a day, secretly digging in garbage cans for food, and experiencing severe bouts of anxiety leading up to calorie restrictive weeks [26].
Don’t end up in a psychiatric ward… Instead…
Start with a nutritional plan that is designed to be A PART of your life!
We know everyone starts their fat-loss journey from a different place. Whether you’re a seasoned 'dieting' vet or have never attempted to burn body fat and take control of your health, The "90-Day FIT 4 FATHERHOOD FORMULA" is designed to get YOU results in the shortest time possible!
Our 3-Phase System Teaches You EXACTLY How to Implement Our Metabolic Macro Method to Get the Amazing FAT-BURNING, ENERGY-BOOSTING, and MUSCLE-BUILDING results you are after!
It's time to Cut, Clean, and Flush...all by eating MORE of the clean foods your body needs to function at its optimal levels!
It's time to fire up that metabolism and maximize your results through our Burn, Sculpt, and Restore protocol!
You've rocked your plan to this point, so now it's time to Reprogram, Diversify, and Energize!
We created this FREE Training to give you the 7 Simple Steps Busy Dads Are Taking Right Now to lose up to 7 pounds in the next 7 days!
Most men feel overwhelmed and confused when it comes to finally taking control of their health. At Fight The Dad Bod we utilize our unique 1-to-1 approach to ensure our members get the best results possible...100% Guaranteed!
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